This Girl's Voice

Monday, June 02, 2003  

••Baghdad Blogger inks deal as Columnist••

Remember Salam Pax, the Baghdad blogger whose straight talk and dry barbs about life in Baghdad leading up to the war we all kept dibs on before and during the war on Iraq? Seems we bloggers and political junkies on the web weren't the only ones paying attention.

Local activists on the ground in Baghdad are striving to publish an independent newspaper "Al-Muajaha - The Iraqi Witness". Urgent calls for funding have been made, for equipment, cameras, laptops, satellite links, etc, and to pay local journalists some money to live.

The IndyMedia Center folks from the Bristol IndyMedia branch in England were listening, and offered to help out:

Bristol IndyMedia volunteers have helped set up a new IMC-based website as part of a proposal to twin with Baghdad. Bristol woman Julia Guest today flew out to Baghdad, taking some money and supplies.

One of the regular contributors to independent "Al-Muajaha" is none other than Salam Pax. Currently, the posts you read at his own blog, will also be carried at The Iraqi Witness's website (Al-Muajaha) as well as in the print version distributed in Baghdad.

Salam's contributions won't be limited to the new local indy Baghdad newspaper; On May 30, Salon reported that:

A British newspaper said Friday it has signed as a columnist an Iraqi architect whose Internet diary of daily life in Baghdad captivated thousands around the world.

The Guardian said the "Baghdad blogger," known as Salam Pax, would write a biweekly column for the newspaper beginning Wednesday.

I'll make sure to remind voxpopgirl readers about his debut Guardian column when it appears next Wednesday.

posted by voxpopgirl | 6/02/2003
