This Girl's Voice

Wednesday, April 07, 2004  

Show Us The Jobs

Check out the new and very effective tv ad [RealVideo] launched by the AFL-CIO as part of an 18-city "Show Us The Jobs" Tour that's taking place across the U.S. starting today.

The ad is made up of a series of back and forth cuts between Bush's "jobs" rhetoric from his State of the Union address against three real life laid off people giving actual testimonials which show that Bush's policies have certainly not helped them.

I just saw it on CBS during Letterman a moment ago, right after the segment Letterman does every night called "The George W. Bush Inexplicable Laugh".

Watching that clip of Bush's shoulders jerking up and down as he cackle-laughs for no good goddamn reason, back to back with the AFL-CIO ad of those blue collar and middle class laid off workers telling their gut-wrenching stories really sends home what a freaking loser the U.S. has for a "President".

posted by voxpopgirl | 4/07/2004
