This Girl's Voice

Monday, May 16, 2005  

azerbic: Toronto Star Launches Blog with Antonia Zerbisias

I haven't posted here at voxpopgirl for over 4 months because I've been happily waist-deep in the work I love, however, the following news is well worth blogging about.

At long last, Toronto Star columnist and media guru Antonia Zerbisias has her own blog, aptly named azerbic.

Canada's highest circulation newspaper has chosen to enter the fray of blogging and has officially launched it's first blog with Zerbisias at it's helm.

Zerbisias has been a columnist with the Star since 1989, first as their TV columnist, then as their Media columnist where her pieces have been linked to across the web by bloggers both left and right, quoted by other prominent media watchers the likes of Danny Schecter, and reprinted at media sites such as Poynter.org, Truth Out, and Common Dreams.

Antonia's earlier views on the blogosphere can be found in a 2003 piece at ASC Annenberg's Online Journalism Review in good company together with her fellow peers and media critics MSNBC's Eric Alterman, the Village Voices' Cynthia Potts, and Slate's Jack Shafer.

You can also find out more about Antonia at Counterbias.com's "Eight Questions with..." interview, as well as clicking on her "About Me" page at azerbic.


In the interest of full disclosure: as a longtime Zerbisias reader and fan, I finally decided to tell her just that and emailed her my regards a year and a half ago; she replied back, and from therein began our still evolving friendship; I consider Antonia both a trusted friend of whom I can count on to tell it like it is; she also happens to be a great listener as well as a wise and cheeky gal, generous with her sage advice and humourous quips.

posted by voxpopgirl | 5/16/2005
